Before closing up the laptop, make sure that the Touchpad end of the Touchpad Cable is fully seated in the receptacle.
The cable should be inserted far enough that the white line almost touches the receptacle.
If it is not inserted far enough, you'll need to flip up the black latch on the other side of the connector, slide the cable in further, and then close the black latch again.
Once the Touchpad cable is secured to the Mainboard, flip the Input Cover over the Bottom Cover so that the keyboard is facing up and attach it to the Bottom Cover by aligning the top and bottom edges of both covers.
Tip: The covers are magnetic and should fit into one another easily. If you feel any resistance simply lift the Input Cover up and try again.
Note that the Input Cover will not sit entirely flat until the bottom fasteners are tightened. The bottom right corner is slightly lifted to make it easy to remove the Input Cover.
Going off Emir's comment: Ensure the antenna are running beside each other, parallel, and laying as flat as possible against the bottom case.
If the top right corner still isn't sitting flush, try lifting your webcam cable connector up and over the righthand hinge, like this.
I spent more time I'd like to admit battling the bezel and input cover, making sure they sit flush. Once I lifted the webcam cable over the hinge, everything sit flush on the first try.
The top left corner of my cover plate annoys me a bit, since it is still slightly lifted even after tightening the festeners (only the part close to the hinge, where a cable goes to the monitor). I double checked that the cable was not in the way, but it is thick and has to go on to of the hinge. The other side is perfectly fit.
If the keyboard seems a bit loose, don't worry; it will be tightened to the laptop in the next step.
Almost done!
Finish Line
They are talking about the connector on the bottom of the keyboard, not the mainboard. Follow the cable you connected in the mainboard to the otherside of the cable. Check if that's still connected properly. Should be good, was good with me, but shipping
Ramon - Reply
This step was confusing. I couldn't figure out how I could possibly check this, so I ignored it and it worked fine.
Shannon - Reply
@abc the green arrow indicates the direction (misleadingly) to open the black latch towards left. I think framework meant to show the "force" from right to left but from underneath the latch. The arrow should rather point upwards imho.
@pyoorkate the dsign hasnĀ“t changed. You`re confusing the touch pad SIDE with the touchpad CABLE ends.
The touchpad side (end) came already assembled so no need to do anything. The white line is there just hard to spot when the side is already properly fitted :)
5tephan - Reply
Confusing images as of this writing. What does the green arrow stand for and point to?
Provide images /photos with one image showing the cable not far enough in, and one image showing the cable properly fitting. And indicate with symbols inside the images which state is which
abc - Reply
It appears the design of this component has changed, there's now a mylar sheet over the top, and no white line to check.
flickr image
Kate - Reply
Your photo is showing the wrong end of the cable. You photographed the end of the cable that you just attached to the computer. This step is referring to the other side. Follow the 6 inch cable with your finger and you'll be at the side of the cable which connects to the underside of the keyboard.
Keith -
I didn't see the latch mentioned during my installation. I skipped this step and the touchpad worked just fine for me.
Nick - Reply